“I wake up hearing the sound of birds sing with joy because their world remains the same while others have seen their world crash!
I have never seen such pain and helplessness like this, in my life. I work with the most suffering, the refugees, orphans and the poor. This broke the record and it will take years to totally recover and get back to normal.
In Uganda we have seen most of the small businesses close because of many months of lockdown… goods expiring in closed shops… the Police beating up people that are trying to find something to eat because they are locked down with no provision… I have seen people walk 200 miles – going back to villages – because cars are not allowed to carry passengers!
I have watched on news the whole world under fire.
I have to wonder is the world coming to an end?
And yet, I have also seen the hand of God through his servants who have selflessly given what they have to help those in need to help keep them alive.
I appreciate the power of love and sacrifice that has been seen and continues to be seen all over the world. People’s hearts have softened towards the Gospel and many have turned to Christ. I have been empowered by friends like you to help the poor that run to us and continue running to us, the association of disabled, the widows and the thousands that came for help which you provided.
Thanks for your generosity and obedience to the Lord. I have learned that we are stewards, the Lord is the owner. Our part is to be faithful which you have been.
Thanks for serving the Lord. Thank you for helping Uganda through our ministry. Thank you for helping keep people alive.
God bless you and keep serving.”
Email received from
Pastor Solomon Mwseige
on 21st October 2020
Pastor Solomon overseas a large ministry in Kampala, Uganda. Their ministry includes churches, schools, camps, and a television station broadcasting all over Uganda. Prior to COVID we were feeding nearly 56,000 children through our ECED program. Their reach has looked a lot different these days with the government mandating lockdowns and providing limited physical help it’s citizens.
Pastor Solomon and the team at Good News Church could not bear to see the need of people all around them and do nothing. The team at GNC has distributed over 1,000,000 meals and helped over 300,000 people during this time. As they have been distributing meals they have been limited due to social distancing.
For this reason, sharing the Gospel has proven to be difficult. However, the team has been wearing their KSTV shirts where locals can tune in by television, Facebook or radio to hear the Word of God. This has been their primary way of reaching people during this time as churches are still closed. Pastor Solomon said there have been thousands viewing the broadcasts.
In Uganda, Pastor Solomon’s team delivers Manna Packs door-to-door. Each pack feeds a family for a day or more.
He once served daily meals to school children, but now their teachers are suffering. Once the most respected professionals in the country, teachers have been out of work and unpaid for months. Many are reduced to begging for food on the streets.
At the last count, 300,000 people were fed with meals you provide.
Prayer Points:
Teachers have not been well taken care of during this time and Pastor Solomon fears they will not return to the schools once they resume. The government promised to help them but did not follow through. Please pray the Lord would continue to provide for them and they would return to the schools, which will desperately need them once they resume.