Pastor Jephthe Lucien is our director in Haiti. Covid 19 has created an exceptional difficulty in our operating area around Pignon.

Before Covid hit, Haiti had been consumed with political unrest. Riots were common. Schools had been closed in September. US flights were cancelled. The police and military could not bring order.

With only 9,057 cases in total and 232 deaths, Covid 19 has still forced the government into even more restrictions.

Traditional beliefs and voodoo introduce superstition around the virus. People contracting Covid 19 are threatened with being burned alive. Because of this turmoil, many people are facing the prospect of dying because of starvation.

Pastor Jephthe is responding with limited distributions to partner pastors. We have good supply of food in Pignon that is reserved for a restart of school in September. The most vulnerable, orphans at LaCoste Orphanage, are being cared for and are well isolated from the public unrest.

Prayer Points:

Pastor Ecclesias passed away from Covid 19. He pastored a large church in Cap Haitien. Pray for the leadership void this created. Additionally, pray for emotional strength for Pastor Jephthe as he navigates his responsibilities among the prospect of such desperation.