At Feed the Hungry, we believe Christians have a biblical responsibility to respond to the injustice of world hunger with acts of kindness and mercy that glorify God and affirm his love for a hurting world. Feed The Hungry exists to empower God’s people to act on this responsibility by operating food logistics and advocacy programs that feed BODY, SOUL, and SPIRIT.

Our response to the poor, hungry, hurting, and destitute is clear. Conscience and compassion only lead to one conclusion… we must help! Together we can be part of the solution. Here’s how you can join hands with Feed The Hungry to help fight hunger and poverty and bring hope to those in need:


Give, pray, do.

Support Feed The Hungry projects that you’re passionate about. Contact us for more information about fundraising to Feed The Hungry.

Spare Change Spares Lives

If you consider that we can give a child a hot and nutritious meal every day for a month with just $6, you can understand why we say your spare change can spare lives. Now consider how much spare change you have lying around for a sneaky coffee or a junk food snack while you’re out shopping, and what a real difference you can make to some of the world’s hungriest children. A Feed The Hungry Money Box is a simple way to empower great change with simple and small actions. 


Educate yourself

Educate yourself about the plight of the poor, what life is like for one-third of the world’s population, and how socio-economic and political forces impact the quality of life in different parts of the world. Get on Feed The Hungry’s mailing list, you’ll learn a lot from our monthly letter and quarterly Field Report.


Check out our socials

Become an advocate. Share what you learn with friends and family. Talk about the issues and solutions with your church, business, and community.