How can you help feed the hungry?

Donations can be made by phone, mail, or online.

Cheques and Money Orders

Please make Cheques and Money Orders out to “Feed The Hungry”.

Credit Card Donations

We accept Mastercard, Visa and American Express. You can select a one-off or automatic donations by credit card.

PayPal Donations & Shop Orders

PayPal donations are accepted by FTH. Once you sign in to Paypal, use the ‘send money’ tab and send to
[email protected].

Internet Transfer Donations

Our bank account information is published here if you would like to make a transfer using your internet banking system. We request you use your name as a reference when making a direct deposit into our account, and project name as applicable.

Australian Bank Details

Bank:Westpac Banking Corporation
Bank Account Name:Feed the Hungry Aid A/C
BSB Number:032-000
Account Number:36-1670

New Zealand Bank Details

Bank:Bank of New Zealand
Bank Account Name:Feed the Hungry Aid A/C
BSB Number:020-528
Account Number:0447062-025
Can be formatted as:02 0528 0447062 025

Automatic Donation Form

Automatic donations by Bank Account & Credit Card Debits are available with written permission. Simply mark your online donation as ‘Make it Monthly’ or download this form, fill in the details and mail it to our office. We request you do not send your credit card details by email for your own safety.

Making a Bequest to Us

To assist your preparations we have provided these suggested or sample wordings.

Tax Deductible Donation Status

Feed The Hungry is a registered Public Benevolent Institution (PBI) with Donor Gift Recipient Status (DGR).

Which means that all donations over $2 are fully tax deductible!