Two-thirds of the Cambodian population live on less than $2 a day. This statistic changes when children receive an education, yet only 73 percent of students complete primary school.

Distributing food and sharing the Gospel in Cambodia, is made possible by an alliance between Feed the Hungry and two partner organisations. One-2-One reaches children in the city slums, while Evangelical Mission Church distributes meals rurally.

Here’s how your giving impacts the children of Cambodia, through our valuable partners.

Evangelical Mission Church

The Full Life feeding program was created by Pastor Sokhon and his ministry team to reach children and their families with the love of Jesus, through meeting their most basic needs. This ministry has grown from five home churches in rural villages to 155 churches across seven provinces. Every day more people come to know Christ and learn of the Gospel.

Poverty, transportation, employment and having enough food are the biggest challenges for this ministry. However, Pastor Sokhon and his family feel the love and prayers from Feed The Hungry and their Australian supporters.

Sustained by your generous giving, Evangelical Mission Church work hard to share the Gospel in Cambodia. Pastor Sokhon is committed to reaching their long-term goal of supporting 5,000 children a year and planting churches in all 25 of Cambodia’s provinces.


In 2016 Huy Ly, Head of One-2-One, was introduced to Feed The Hungry and the partnership began. The Full Life feeding program allows the team to reach poor urban communities in Phnom Penh, caring for them and telling them about Jesus’ love for them.

In 2020 the ministry expanded to working with families suffering from Covid related issues.

One of their most impactful moments was the ability to care for those who were close to dying from starvation during Covid-19 shut downs, by extending their food distribution to different ministries throughout the Philippines.

Huy’s long term goal for One-2-One is to provide nutritional food to children in poor communities so they are able to go to school, and lead these communities to Christ.

Please pray for Huy in his daily struggle of dealing with customs, shipping and transporting food to the communities they work in.

Cambodia snapshot

17.1 million population (2024)

154 / 204 Human Development Index (2022)

84 Global Climate Risk Index (2019)

19% live below the poverty line (2023)

70 years life expectancy (2022)

84% literacy rate (2022)

28.3% children under the age of 14 (2024)

16.3% underweight children under 5 (2021)

5 years average schooling for children (2020)

Causes of Death: hepatitis A, typhoid fever, malaria, dengue fever, diarrheal diseases, birth complications and Japanese encephalitis.