Country spotlights of Nicaragua, Cambodia, and Ukraine, Take Away Hunger Day coming 22 August 2024, and Annual Report 2023 coming soon!

A simple meal, a moment of hope…
It’s fairly easy to measure the impact of your support for Feed The Hungry. You’ve seen the numbers. More than 500,000 children in 25 countries around the world are fed every day.
Over 100 million meals have been served since our mission began in 1987. However, there’s another dimension that’s impossible to measure, but just as meaningful, if not more so. It’s the moments of hope we have the privilege to witness.
A young father prays over a box of food to feed his children. A shy orphan overcomes his fear to approach the feeding line. An elderly widow realises she is not forgotten. For those who live in despair, these moments are nourishment to the soul.
How many of these moments have there been in the past 37 years? Only the Father knows. In His grace, He allows us to witness enough to be confident He is working in the hearts of those who need Him most.
These beautiful, if brief, moments are a testament to God’s love and mercy. That they’re prompted by the gift of a simple meal reminds us that God feeds us all, wherever and whoever we are. And they are a tremendous encouragement that your partnership is doing great things for His kingdom, all around the world.
Thank you for being part of this wonderful work!
Voice for the Hungry,

Benjamin Evans
CEO, Feed The Hungry
(Australia & New Zealand)