Feed The Hungry ministers in some of the most desperate places in the world. Our partners on the ground witness great suffering and, by the grace of God and your partnership, have resources to alleviate it.
Right now, Myanmar is an area causing us much concern. Violence is widespread. The Burmese military has wiped out entire villages through airstrikes and firebombing. Civilians are struck down and killed in the streets. Roughly 80,000 men, women and children, many from the largely Christian Karen State, fled to refugee camps along the border of Myanmar and Thailand.
Our contact in Thailand recently reported, “It is shocking, what these people are experiencing. Conditions are very difficult.” In addition to severe hunger, many refugees suffer from malaria and diarrhea.
Feed The Hungry is providing essential aid to people in this volatile area. Relief kits containing food, supplies and medicine keep a family of five going for a week. And, more than 170 tons of rice have already been distributed. “Our supply lines are literally keeping people alive, especially mothers and children,” our contact tells us. “The men are battling the opposing forces and keeping the supply lines open.”
Myanmar has been a war-torn country for many years and the current violence shows no sign of ending soon. You are sending them food and supplies, keeping many thousands of refugees alive. Please keep them in your prayers as well and watch your mail for an opportunity to help provide for their immediate needs.
Thankfully, there are fewer Burmese foot-soldiers, allowing for more safety in the jungle, out of sight.
We now have three supply routes into Myanmar. We have to pass checkpoints and have our loads searched on all three routes, but we have had no problems with supplies getting to the border.
The camps are currently well supplied with medical supplies, tarps, cookware, mosquito nets, flashlights and other items. The most needed items right now are rice and other food. That is what we are focusing on. The refugees we are reaching will not be harvesting rice this season because everyone had to abandon their rice paddies to find safe haven in the jungle when the attacks came.
Feed The Hungry will be offering food through the rest of the year to continue making contact and building the relationships we have with the people hiding in the jungle.
Thank you for helping supply much-needed food for these refugees. God is moving and calling many to Him.