Here is a note from sister Elna, a Feed The Hungry partner in Zimbabwe.
With your help, people in desperate need can count on Feed The Hungry for their daily bread. Thank you!
Hunger is an enemy of humanity! The Lord Jesus Christ took time to address that need!
Jesus called his disciples to Him and said, “I have compassion for these people; they have already been with Me three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may collapse on the way.” — Matthew 15:32
Since the beginning of the pandemic, because of the support of Feed The Hungry, we have been able to distribute dry rations to the most at-risk members of the communities we serve.
Once schools closed down early on, we knew we had to continue helping the poor, even though we could not cook and serve wet meals as usual.
Thankfully, our ministry was granted grace as essential workers, giving access to bring dry rations to the neediest—shut-ins, the elderly, orphaned children and single-parent households.
Praise the Lord that when the need is great… God is even greater!