“Don’t bring her back. If we see her in our village, we will kill her!”

fthaust-post-nov30e“Grandma’s House”, one of the ministries in Lesotho, Africa, where Feed The Hungry provides food and support for 2155 children, had this to report:

Bophelo* came to us afraid, traumatized, with uncertainty in her eyes. Her grandfather had been sexually abusing her for the last year, but eventually was caught in the act and arrested. Officers from the Child and Gender Protection Unit brought Bophelo to Grandma’s House. Bophelo’s grandmother blamed the girl for putting her husband in jail, telling the authorities, “Don’t bring her back. If we see her in our village, we will kill her!”

Bophelo is only 7 years old.

These are the children who walk through our doors at Grandma’s House, a unique emergency refuge for children in crisis. It serves as a transition home for children who have been abandoned, orphaned, and/or traumatized by physical or sexual abuse. Each child has a story that no one should ever endure. But this is also why we are here — to intercept these stories of pain and abuse with hope, protection,  healing and care.

Thank you for your support. Thank you for helping us provide a safe place for these precious children where they can once again be a child. Caring for the whole child, we provide nutritional meals, medical attention, education, counseling, spiritual development and Life Skills education. We work closely with the Lesotho Ministry of Social Development and the Child and Gender Protection Unit. Before  Grandma’s House, these offices had nowhere to bring children in urgent need of intervention and protection. Grandma’s House fills a critical need in Lesotho.

*all names in this report are changed in compliance with Lesotho Child Protection laws.