Thank you to our Australian and New Zealand donors who sent messages of hope and encouragement to children in our program this Christmas.

Heartwarming notes and drawings on handwritten cards were sent to children in Sri Lanka who benefit from the meals provided by your generous giving.

You helped make it a very special Christmas for a young child!

Scans of four of the messages sent in the FTH Christmas cards. 1) "God bless ❤ you all ❤ merry Christmas, Love Richard and Maria xxxx"; 2) Child's drawing and finger-painting of two people sending love hearts to each other; 3) "Wishing you and your family and friends lots of joy, peace and happiness this Christmas. Love from Nick, Ararat Victoria; 4) (In a child's handwriting) "Dear friend, I love you. I'm glad that I gave" (in adult handwriting) "this card to you. I hope you love Jesus."