Update from Ukraine

Thanks to your generosity, local Pastors in Ukraine are distributing food parcels to those in need. Including those close to the front line, the elderly, disabled and single mothers. Each parcel contains food essentials that will last up to 3 weeks at only the cost of $20.

One remarkable story emerged before food distribution began: an old church, used as a makeshift shelter, stood undamaged beside a massive crater left by a recent explosion, not a metre away from its walls. To the locals, the church’s survival felt nothing short of miraculous.

“Your help has a deep meaning for these heavily tested people. They were touched to hear that the money is given by ordinary people who give up a few dollars or even hundreds to help their brothers and sisters in need. They Praised Jesus, they blessed us and gave thanks. This was really moving. We thank you on their behalf for your generosity.”

Hear from Daniel Skokan, Director of FTH Czech Republic on Facebook (below in glasses and black cap)