People in places like Ukraine and Afghanistan are being dealt serious blows, but their courage will not be crushed. Millions have lost their homes, family members and everything they own, but they continue to fight for their freedom.

Food, supplies and care are working their way to the darkest corners of Ukraine and to the refugees who’ve fled Afghanistan. There are the sick and elderly who were unable to leave, but church partners are able to bring them food and safe passage through war-torn areas.

In Ukraine, the war continues but the people have hope. Churches are growing. They are feeding and praying for those who are caught in this great tragedy. Ukrainians may not know their future, but they see the Church caring for them now, and that builds faith that God is near.

Today, Christmas blessings are given freely, and more and more people are hearing the Gospel. They are rejoicing in His name, celebrating the birth of our Saviour. God is in these places and His light is shining bright, bringing much-needed comfort.

Your continued support keeps the work going and the supply of food flowing.

Kanishka’s family came out of Afghanistan. The Church received them, fed them and helped them start a new life in Tajikistan. This is their Sunday Afghan house church worship. New Afghan refugees and families are coming here and receiving Jesus and the Bible. Praise God!

“As a family, we gave our lives to the Lord, to someone who loves our soul and gives us rest!“

Note from a new Afghan believer:

“I was born in Kabul. From childhood until now, my family was always on the run as refugees, without a homeland. My father and brother were brutally killed by Taliban who shouted that they will bring God’s Sharia and justice, but instead they destroyed everyone, everything I loved.

“I heard the saving message of Jesus from Tajik Christians who distributed food packages to us and invited me to their Christian meeting. I had never met Christians before and didn’t know what they believed. Hearing the Gospel, my world went upside down.

“A Tajik brother shared that Jesus spent His infancy as a refugee in Egypt, was persecuted in His hometown and understood what Afghans are going through. When I heard this message, something in my heart broke. My eyes filled with tears. I prayed, accepting Jesus into my heart as my Saviour and Lord, someone who gives rest to my weary soul.

“I came home that night and shared what I learned with my wife, who faithfully went with me through hardships. She knelt down, saying, ‘Except you, I have no one. What you believe, I believe; where you go, I go!’ She accepted Jesus as her Saviour and Lord. We have one son and two daughters who also enjoy reading the Gospel.

As a family, we gave our lives to the Lord, to someone who loves our soul and gives us rest!”

(The name of this family is kept private for safety.)