Ben Evans, Director, Australia

Profile: Benjamin Evans

Position: Australia & New Zealand Director (2004 – Present)

Field Trips:  Cambodia, Ethiopia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Myanmar (Burma), Nicaragua, Philippines, Thailand, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe

“I believe Christians have a biblical responsibility to respond to the injustice of world hunger with acts of kindness and mercy that glorify God and affirm His love for a hurting world. FEED THE HUNGRY exists to empower God’s people to act on this responsibility by operating food logistics and advocacy programs that feed BODY, SOUL and SPIRIT.”

Benjamin Evans is an effective communicator with a heart for the poor.

He joined Feed The Hungry in mid 2004 and has many inspiring stories to share about his travels, where he’s assisted in food distributions and documented Feed The Hungry’s ongoing work: to feed hungry children in schools, to encourage pastors, and to meet the spiritual and physical needs of people in crisis.


Statistics estimate that every 10 seconds, somewhere in the world, a child under five dies from hunger-related causes.

The problem can seem overwhelming, but the lesson from what Christ did with five loaves and two fish in John 6:30–44 is that Jesus is never interested in what you need to fix the problem… but rather what you already have.

Benjamin’s heart is to be a voice for the voiceless, because every child deserves dignity.

His goal is to share their forgotten and untold story, and to spread the joy and love he has for his job, which has become his life’s work and passion – to bring Christ to a starving world!

He has a strong conviction that Christians are called to respond to those living in poverty, as Proverbs 31:8,9 says: “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

He welcomes speaking opportunities in the media, churches and beyond to teach and advocate with a quiet confidence on the issue of hunger with firsthand stories and testimonies from his field experience.

Benjamin is an ordained minister with a teaching gift. Married to his high-school sweetheart, Benjamin and his wife have three children. He’s a third-generation Christian, as his grandfather served as a Baptist missionary in Malawi for 20 years. Previously a member of C3 Oxford Falls under the leadership of Ps Phil & Christine Pringle. His home fellowship is the new church plant EveryOne Church in Narellan.

Benjamin resides in Sydney and is willing to travel within the city, and to regional, interstate or international locations to share his stories and encourage others. Please note that no ‘speaking fee’ or ‘honorarium’ is requested or required.

If you’d like Benjamin to speak at your church, small group or place of business please contact the office on 1300 005 514 or submit your request using the Request Form.