uganda016Feed The Hungry: Why do children in Uganda need our help?

Pastor Solomon: We are seeing an influx of children fleeing to Uganda from conflict-affected areas like Congo and South Sudan. They are refugees who find themselves here with nothing. We are the ones who are stepping up to meet their needs.

FTH: How does a donor’s support make an impact there?

PS: Right now, thanks to friends who give so generously to Feed The Hungry, we are able to feed 20,000 children every day in Uganda. One of these children is Furaha. She was just 4 years old when she lost both of her parents as they were running from Congo. She is now getting meals from us every day, and you can see the hope in her eyes because of it. She knows where her next meal will come from and that she is going to live. That is the impact donors’ gifts are making in Uganda.

FTH: What is life like in refugee communities?

PS: The things that stand out the most to me are the workshops that make coffins for children. So many children in refugee camps don’t survive past their 5th birthday. This is what motivates me. A lot of people don’t know about this reality—that children are dying because they don’t have enough to eat.

FTH: How can we pray for children in Uganda?

PS: Approximately 62 percent of Uganda’s population is under the age of 16, and about 190,000 children there are living with HIV. One young girl named Priscilla is HIV-positive, and doctors gave her five months to live. We started giving her rice meals every day, and now—six years later—she is alive, healthy, and active. Please pray that other children like Priscilla will get the nutrition they need, because it makes such a difference.

Please prayerfully consider making a donation to help our work in Uganda continue to impact lives.


Gloria’s life has changed because she is being fed
Click here to learn more about Uganda
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