Help send an urgent delivery to refugees fleeing ISIS
You’ve seen it on the news. ISIS is slaughtering Christians, as well as Muslims, who will not convert to their radicalised form of Islam. Thousands are fleeing for their lives. Over 1.2 million have fled to Kurdistan. And our contacts on the ground have put out an urgent request for help. The situation they say is dire, especially for 30,000 women, children, and families they are helping. They have suffered much. Loved ones publicly beheaded. Wives and daughters raped and tortured. Christians forced to convert or be killed… barely escaping with nothing but the clothes on their backs. I cannot turn my back on their cries for help. And I know passionate partners like you can’t either.
That’s why Feed The Hungry is prepared to make an urgent delivery of 100 tonnes of relief aid… food, baby formula, blankets and clothes… bringing hope to those who have lost everything. But I cannot do so without your special help this month. The cost to deliver these urgently needed items is $70,000. And I must look to compassionate friends like you to help cover this cost.
Each tonne of supplies costs just $700 to deliver. So perhaps you can send a special gift of $70 to deliver 100 kilograms of desperately needed relief supplies. Or $175 to provide a quarter-tonne of supplies. Or maybe you can help with an extra special gift of $350 to deliver a half-tonne of these critically needed items. Whatever you can send will bring hope to more children and families who are suffering the unimaginable. And through the work of our partners, there is hope dawning in their lives.
For example, one of our contacts has reported that an entire Muslim family accepted Christ as a result of the aid given them in the name of Jesus. The Muslim father told the aid worker, “Whatever motivates you to help us, I want to be part of it.” Your faithful support is shining the unconditional love of Jesus into deep spiritual darkness… helping Christian brothers and sisters as well as witnessing the love of Jesus to Muslims under attack.
So thank you for prayerfully considering how you can respond. And on behalf of those suffering so greatly, thank you for your love and compassion. May you know God’s richest blessings!
Because a full life feels good,
Pete Sumrall
President, Feed The Hungry
You can help!
Please prayerfully consider supporting our Iraq Appeal. Each ton of supplies costs just $700 to deliver. So perhaps you can give $70 to deliver 200 pounds of desperately needed relief supplies. Or $175 to provide a quarter-ton of supplies. Or maybe you can help with $350 to deliver a half-ton of these critically needed items.Whatever you can give below, thank you for your quick and generous response. And on behalf of those suffering so greatly, thank you for your love and compassion!