In Uganda, thousands of children are pouring across the border, fleeing violence in neighboring countries. Most have nothing but the clothes they wear. They are weak from hunger and shaken by the brutality they’ve witnessed. But thanks to friends like you, more desperate children like Grace are finding food and hope every day.
Grace fled the Democratic Republic of Congo with her siblings after soldiers killed their mother. After traveling for two weeks, Grace arrived tired and terrified at our Rwamwanja feeding site. Now, thanks to your generous support, Grace is doing well in school and has her heart set on becoming a journalist when she is older.

It’s only through your gifts and prayers that we can meet the pressing physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of children like Grace in our three refugee camps in Uganda:
Rwamwanja: We’re currently feeding and educating over 14,000 children at five sites. Our local partner Pastor Solomon Mwesige says many more are arriving daily, scared for their lives, and experiencing a desperation that is hard to comprehend.
Kitgum: Through our partnership with the Irene Gleeson Foundation, we’re providing over 5,000 boys and girls two meals a day, a school education, and the gospel. Many of these children are orphans from South Sudan. With 300 to 400 refugees arriving every day, the demand for food, education, and the gospel is great.
Kiryandongo: With the help of Good News Ministries, we’re feeding close to 6,000 refugees every day, but the need continues to grow. Pastor Solomon says his team and their resources are being stretched to the limit, but they simply must feed everyone who comes looking for food.
The good news is that… thanks to your support… we’re feeding over 25,000 hungry refugee children like Grace in Uganda. And yet, even though we’re making great progress, there are still almost 8,000 children with nowhere else to turn.
That’s why we’re excited to see partners like you supporting our summer campaign to provide for these hungry and exhausted kids in body, mind, and soul. Please continue praying that many more will respond to this important challenge in the weeks ahead.
Your passion to help children like Grace is giving them what they dearly need today and a renewed hope for the future. So thank you so much for generously supporting the work of feeding the hungry in Uganda so each child can know how good a full life feels!
Field Report Welcome Series
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