Working with The River International and Feed The Hungry Honduras

The River International

Carlos Saavedra

Carlos Saavedra was introduced to Feed the Hungry through Roger Walterhouse in 2019.

Carlos’ long-term goal is to train disciples that have a passion to love God, love others, and change lives. The impact that this program will have on the children, will last for generations.

Many of the teachers in Honduras have found Feed the Hungry to be a blessing in their communities. The children are friendlier, better behaved, and able to be better students when their bellies are full.

Carlos and his team have been able to build relationships with prominent government officials and leaders in the country which has helped open doors for their programs to grow.

Discouragement and insecurity in their staff are major challenges for the ministry. A lack of economic resources also causes issues with the needs at feeding sites.

New feeding centres are opening monthly throughout Honduras. From the valley cities to the remote mountain villages, they have been able to reach thousands of children.

In the next few years, Carlos sees the program growing rapidly and reaching more children in more places in Honduras. The proper connections and resources will make the program a blessing to the country.

If food and God’s word was plentiful, the ministry could reach more than 100,000 children in the areas they currently work and continue spreading the programs across the country.

About Honduras

Country Statistics

  • Population: 9,571,352 (2023 est.)
  • Below the Poverty Line: 48.3% (2019 est.)
  • Life Expectancy: 75.43 years (2023 est.)
  • Literacy Rate: 88.5% (2019)
  • Human Development Index: 137/191 (2022)
  • Global Climate Risk Index: 79 (2019)

About the Children

  • Under the Age of 14: 27.92% (2023 est.)
  • Children under 5 Underweight: 7.1% (2012)
  • Average Years of Schooling: 6.6 years (2020)

Causes of Death

  • Hepatitis A, Typhoid Fever, Malaria, Dengue Fever.
  • Others include diarrhoeal diseases and birth complications.

Earthquakes, hurricanes, flooding, and water pollution all threaten the livelihood of Honduras’s people.

There are currently 247,000 displaced people in Honduras due to violence, extortion, threats, and forced recruitment by urban gangs. (2023)

Drug and narcotic smuggling point.

Government corruption and money laundering are major issues.