Profile: Gwyn Williams
Position: Director of Feed The Hungry UK (2010 – Present)
The office is growing rapidly through its innovative way of receiving Gift in Kind support throughout Europe with large corporate Business, by holding in-house food packing events with head office staff on their premises.
Gwyn tells us the most rewarding part of his job at Feed The Hungry is seeing children’s lives being changed.
He is driven by knowing that God’s Heart is to love the unlovable and to break the chains of the oppressed.
Gwyn recently shared a story with us of seeing young children only eating a small portion of the meal Feed The Hungry provided them, in order to take the rest of the meal home to the their families.
“Working with Feed The Hungry has made me see that lives can be changed, that however small our help is, that when it is gathered together, it is having an impact. Hunger issues have changed dramatically over the last 18 months with refugee numbers being at their highest on record. Feed The Hungry is also changing rapidly through its Every Child Every Day program, which has gone from feeding 36,000 children when I first started in 2010, to now feeding over 100,000 children today.”
Regional Fundraiser for: UK and Ireland
Visited: Romania, Bulgaria, Kenya, Uganda, Burkina Faso, Mongolia and Nepal
Click here for more information about the work of Feed The Hungry in the United Kingdom.