Take Away Hunger Day 2024

Your Support is Urgently Needed to Take Away Hunger

More than a meal, you’re providing a future.

Children in refugee settlements in Uganda are among the most vulnerable in the world today.

Fleeing violence, many have witnessed death and destruction.

They’re hungry and desperate for safety, security and education.

More than anything, they need to know where their next meal is coming from.

Your tax-deductible support today through Take Away Hunger Day 2024 on Riverland will make a powerful difference for hungry children. Children are being fed… thanks to generous friends like you!

“When there is no food, children will go home from school. But when there is food it makes us concentrate on the afternoon lessons. Thank you!”Priscilla (15)

Thank you for giving hungry children a reason to celebrate on Take Away Hunger Day 2024.

You can help provide the food they need to thrive.

More than that, you’ll be giving them an opportunity to go to school, to learn, to grow and to build a future filled with hope.

Just $6 feeds one hungry child for a whole month. How many children will you help feed today?

Your gift will have a powerful impact in children’s lives.