Walk for Food

Redcliffe Walk for Food 2020

Thank you for joining us as we walk 25km to raise funds for people in Zimbabwe who face starvation. According to the United Nations, COVID-19 will very likely be followed by massive famines in many countries, bringing starvation to millions of people. This will be disastrous for the people of Zimbabwe – who already know what real hunger feels like. Their once beautiful country has been reduced to abject poverty. Now the virus has come.

We are walking 25km on Saturday 24th October around the Redcliffe Peninsula (Brisbane) to raise funds for the people in Zimbabwe.

$30 feeds 5 children for a month, $180 feeds 30 children for a month.
Donate here via Credit Card, Direct Debit or Paypal.


For alternate donation methods such as bank deposits or internet transfers click here.
Please use “RedcliffeWalk2020” as a reference for your bank deposits or internet transfer and have your generous donation included in our goal to feed 300 children for a month.

Thank you.

The walk was held successfully on Saturday Oct 24th 2020 and 346 children will be fed as a direct result of this fundraiser. It’s not too late to show your support and donate to feed hungry children around the world.