When little Jonjon arrived at Uganda’s Kiryandongo refugee camp, he had nothing except the clothes he was wearing. He was traumatised and fearful.
He’s not the only one. Right now, thousands of people flee South Sudan to seek safety in Uganda every single day. Most of them are children.
They arrive at Kiryandongo broken. But they don’t have to stay that way.
Through your gift today, you can bring healing and restoration to these hurting children as you show them how good a full life feels.
Your gift will…
… strengthen children’s famished bodies with daily food;
… feed their eager minds by helping them focus in school; and
… nourish their hungry souls with the Good News of Jesus.
And today your gift will go twice as far, when combined with the $20,000 Challenge Grant we’ve been offered for this crucial campaign.
It’s vital that we reach our goal of feeding thousands of children in Uganda’s refugee camps this summer. So please give generously and without delay!