$6 feeds a hungry child for a month
become a Full Life partner today

When you donate to Feed The Hungry you will do more than just give food. You’re giving children the chance to live a full life, with nourishing meals, education and the chance to know Jesus. More than a meal, you’re providing a future.

Every cent counts. Every $6 will feed a child for a month.

Please prayerfully consider becoming a Full Life partner and make your contribution monthly.

Thank you for taking a step of faith today to help minister to even more hungry kids as a Full Life Monthly Partner!

With over 300,000 hungry children receiving daily meals and ministry, your monthly partnership means their physical, spiritual, and educational needs can be met without interruption. And that leads to the promise of a new future, a life filled with the peace, joy and hope that every child deserves.

When you give a monthly gift of $30, you’ll feed 5 children for an entire month.

Whatever gift you’re able to give, your support as a Full Life Monthly Partner makes a real difference.

What a privilege we have to show these precious kids what God’s love is all about. Thank you for taking a step of faith to let more kids know how good a full life feels!

Click here for other donation methods.