uganda-AbrahamFriends like you are helping to feed over 30,000 kids every day in Uganda – and we’re so grateful for your partnership. You’re helping orphans like Shadia and her brothers who fled to Uganda after their parents died in the South Sudan conflict. They arrived in the Kiryandongo refugee camp with only the clothes on their backs and whatever they could carry. But, thanks to you, they were able to get the food, water, clothes and shelter they needed.

You’re also helping young people like Abraham (pictured) who was forced to flee his home in war-torn South Sudan. Alone and starving, he travelled over 321 km in two weeks to reach the refugee camp in Uganda. Thanks to your support, Feed The Hungry was there, ready to serve him a meal and tell him about Jesus.

Refugee kids like these are so thankful for your kindness – and they so need to hear that Jesus loves them. However, as hundreds of refugee children from South Sudan and the Congo continue to pour into the Ugandan refugee camps where we serve, we’re facing a huge challenge with our school-based feeding program.

As Pastor Solomon, our East Africa director in Uganda, reports:

“In Rwamwanja camp, a new school has been started because of more kids increasing in the camp, and schools [are] swelling in numbers that the teachers cannot handle. In this new school, we have not yet started feeding them because we don’t have that food.

“The [other] challenge is that these kids [slip away] from this new school to one of the schools where we do feeding… nine kilometres away. On a sad note, one kid drowned trying to cross a swamp… trying to get to the school that serves a lunch meal.

“Please keep us in your prayers as we believe God to see this work finished!”

Stefan Radelich, Feed The Hungry’s CEO, recently visited Uganda to see how we can best respond to this humanitarian crisis together. We’re confident that, with a swell of support from friends like you, hope is in sight! So thank you for your amazing generosity – and for praying with us that all the hungry children there can know how good a full life feels – as they get the food they need and come to know Jesus through the work of our church partners.

DSC_0049Stefan Radelich is pictured here with Sachi, a Sudanese refugee.
Thanks to you they can have hearts full of hope!




Field Report Volume 20 Number 2
For more stories of hope and life changes click the following links:-