It is with great sorrow that Feed The Hungry announces the passing of our President and CEO, Peter Andrew Sumrall.
Pete served as CEO of LeSEA Global Feed The Hungry since 2005. Under his tenure, ministry to our world’s poor grew by leaps and bounds. In 2005, Pete founded Feed The Hungry’s Every Child Every Day program with just a few hundred children. Today, this program is putting 105,000 children across 20 nations on the path to a full life, through daily meals, access to education and Bible ministry.
As CEO of LeSEA Broadcasting, Pete leveraged technology with a passion to spread the gospel, reaching more than 90 percent of the world’s population through television, FM and shortwave radio and satellite assets.
Despite his unexpected passing on 5 December, from a heart attack, Pete Sumrall’s mission to advance the good news of Jesus Christ through the many outreaches of Feed The Hungry and LeSEA Broadcasting will continue with strength and vigour. He has left the ministry stronger than ever.
“We all loved my father,” said Drew Sumrall. “It goes without saying that Pete Sumrall cannot be replaced, just as his father before him, Dr. Lester Sumrall, could not be replaced. We will move forward with the vision.”
“Pete was the most focused and driven man I have ever met,” says Stefan Radelich, new President of Feed The Hungry.” He never rested but always pushed to reach more souls, deliver more Bibles, and feed more of the world’s hungry day after day. Pete Sumrall was determined to make a difference.”
One of the last notes that Pete left, written by his hand, was “Millions are starving… we are asking God to open the door to feed 50,000 more children in this coming year.” That is our vision for the coming year and we pray you will join us in fulfilling this vision.
Please join us in praying for the Sumrall family at this difficult time, and in celebrating a life well lived in service to our Lord Jesus Christ.