Nepal fell into chaos after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck on April 25th. Thousands died, tens of thousands were seriously injured, and entire towns were completely destroyed. A recent situation report from the Nepalese government estimates…
- more than 600,000 homes were damaged or destroyed,
- around 2.8 million Nepalese have been displaced, and
- about 3.5 million desperately still need food assistance.
And that may only be part of the devastation. Many of the impacted villages can only be reached by foot, with some taking close to a week to reach. Our partner on the ground, Pastor Rasaili from Smyrna Church of Nepal, shares what he’s seen,
“Life for many is terrible and the whole of Nepal is scared. Tens of thousands of people have lost houses, families, and properties. In my entire life, this is the first time I have ever experienced anything as terrible as this.”
Thanks to your support, Feed The Hungry has been there to help. Your gifts have made it possible to purchase several tons of rice, lentils, and blankets for homeless and hungry victims of this tragedy.Our partners on the ground have been distributing these supplies in towns and villages in the Gorkha District, a region west of Kathmandu hardest hit by the quake. It’s a rural area, meaning it was overlooked by the media and most relief agencies.
Your support has been crucial to providing a compassionate response to this tragedy. But the need is still so very great! So thank you for your generosity to continue providing help, hope, and a full life for so many devastated by this catastrophe.
Field Report Volume 19 Number 2
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