2/1/2008 – FTH Disaster Relief – Indonesia Floods
Indonesia has suffered torrential rains since December 25th 2007. This seasonal rain has exceeded the capacity of rivers and has caused widespread flooding and landslides.
Regrettably this has resulted in the deaths of 83 people and 39 people still unaccounted for. 20,387 houses and 9,324 hectares of crops have been affected in mainly central Java.
FTH will partner once again with Hana, our Indonesian Ministry partner.
“I am sorry to trouble you again, but our resources are limited and Indonesian is like a ‘supermall of disasters’. However, we believe God is at work in our country. In spite of all this, he opens doors for us to shine His light and love. We need your support because I heard the need is great.” – Hana
2/1/07 – What does the bible say about feeding the Hungry?
Click here to find out more.
10/1/2008 – FTH Partner Letter released – Indonesia Floods
Click here to read the January Partner letter.
Click here for information on past projects in Indonesia.
11/1/2008 – FTH Project Update – Pakistan Winter Distribution
Despite political instability, and rising food costs, FTH was able to proceed with a planned food distribute in remote Northern Pakistan in early December.
Click here to read Jean-Pierre Rummen’s first hand report.
18/1/2008 – Online Donation Facility Upgrade
We apologize for the inconvenience, but the online donation facility is temporarily unavailable while Westpac upgrades it’s service.
UPDATE: The WBC upgrade has allowed FTH to add some capabilities to our payment gateway. We expect to have the new payment facility up and running by January 25th.
Please contact the office for more information.
6/2/08 – EveryChild EveryDay update – North Korea
Our friend in North Korea feeds over 5000 school children everyday. Click here to find out more.
6/2/08 – International Day of Prayer for partners – Feb 14th.
Feb 14th marks the birthday of our founder, the late Dr. Lester Sumrall.
On this anniversary, the ministries and organisations Dr. Sumrall founded have sent out a special invitation to their partners and friends.
The invitation to send in their personal prayer request, for our staff to pray over.
A copy of the prayer requests will be taken to Israel, and according to Jewish custom will be placed in the western wall of the Temple, and prayed over by Peter Sumrall and the staff of FTH.
If you would like to send in your personal prayer request, contact the office.
6/2/08 – February Partner Letter Released – Angola
Our friends in Angola, Joint-Aid-Management, feed over 200,000 children everyday across the country. Unfortunately in recent times, they did not have enough supplies to feed up 70,000 children.
We prayed for a solution to help our friends, and it was answered by two anonymous donations: one for 9 million pounds of beans; and another partner for the actual shipping costs.
We need your help to be the final link in the chain – to repackage the beans to meet international customs requirements.
Click here to find out more.
6/2/08 – Youtube Interview – Viewer from Pakistan
During the December 2007 outreach in Pakistan, FTH Germany Director – Jean-Pierre Rummens, was able to meet with a viewer of “The Harvest Show” from Pakistan.
A FTH video report from the outreach is imminent, and will be made available here soon.
6/2/08 – Automatic Debit Facility Available
FTH is pleased to announce that automatic donations can now be taken directly from your bank account as well as your nominated credit card.
6/2/08 – Online Donation Facility Upgrade Complete
FTH is pleased to confirm the new payment gateway is complete. Donations by Credit card can now be made directly through this website by clicking here.
We apologize for any inconvenience during the downtime.
15/2/08 – Day Of Prayer – completed
Thank you to everyone who sent in a personal prayer request on the anniversary of our founder, Dr. Lester Sumrall.
Your heartfelt requests were prayed over today as scheduled. A copy of all prayers received will also be taken to Israel and inserted into the Western Wall in accordance with Jewish custom.
Personal responses have been sent back to all participants today with notes of encouragement relevant to their prayer requests.
5/3/08 – Partner Letter Released – Help is on The Way!
Returning from a Christmas 2007 distribution in Northern Pakistan, FTH Director Jean-Pierre Rummens has identified a need for a mobile clinic.
Jean-Pierre has volunteered to drive an ambulance from Germany to Pakistan, over 6000km away.
You can read more about it in this month’s partner letter here.
5/3/08 – Day of Prayer – The Harvest Show
The Harvest Show program, produced by LeSEA Broadcasting, participated in the international day of prayer on the anniversary of our founder Dr. Lester Sumrall’s birthday.
The following week Peter Sumrall, President of Feed The Hungry took a copy of all prayers received and placed them in the Western Wall of the Temple Mount.
5/3/08 – FTH Project Updates – 23 Countries
FTH is active across the world in 23 countries:-
Angola, Benin, Brazil, Cambodia, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Liberia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Niger, Peru, Sudan, Swaziland, Thailand, Uganda, US, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
5/3/08 – Cambodia Update
“I am very grateful for the Fund which has been given by the Feed the Hungry. The workers and I are very happy because through this program we can see some changes in the lives of the children and their families. For the children, we can see about 60% come to know the Lord Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Lord and Saviour. For the parents, we can see about 30% of them come to know the Lord Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Lord and Saviour.
Actually we don’t just give them only the Bible Story from word of God, but we teach them about health problem, hygiene, how to pray, and how to live a healthy life and how to obey and respect their parents and older people. They are very joyful to come to learn every day before we serve them food. So up to now they know how to pray and some can memorize some verses and know how to live a healthy live.”
Love you very much,
Sokhon and Esther
5/3/08 – Kenya Update – Just in Time!
Two containers of food and medical supplies bound for Ps. Chris Okumu had arrived in Kenya in December 2007. Thankfully the containers were cleared through customs just in time!
Several days later on the 27th of December, the country erupted in civil violence as people protested the general election result.
Ps. Chris was able to ration these supplies for the elderly, the sick & infirm and those abandoned in the chaos and confusion of what had previously been known as the one of the most stable African countries.
Ps. Chris runs the Soweto Academy as part of the EveryChild EveryDay orphanage support initiative which enrolls 1300 children in Kenya.
5/3/08 – Angola Update – 70% Complete
Thank you partners and friends for your support to repackage beans bound for Angola.
To date we have 7 containers en route, and over 20 more containers packed and waiting for loading onto a second ship.
Just 12 more containers need to be repackaged.
You can help feed 70,000 children each day throughout Angola.
5/3/08 – Sudan Update – Eden Keepers
FTH will shortly begin working with Dr. John A. Nyikako a Sudanese returnee who escaped during the war & achieved a Ph. D in Agriculture from a German university.
Dr. John, came back to Sudan after the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2005 to rebuild the country. He hopes to create an Agricultural School to raise the productivity of the farmers in South Sudan (while ministering the Word of God to them).
Please remember Dr. John and his workers in your prayers.
“I thank God so much for having connected us in His own ways to make a better impact in this nation. I believe the Agric Project is going to give hope to the people in this nation so that they may give God the glory as they see and test of His goodness.”
Dr. John A. Nyikako Eden Keepers farms (Blessed working hands building Africa)
5/3/08 – Uganda update – Destiny Boarding School
During a recent Trip to Uganda, Ps. Solomon from King Solomon’s Academy in Kampala introduced our team to Destiny Boarding School.
Located about 90mins outside the main city, this outreach ministry rescues street children and brings them into a full-time care facility.
They have 677 children right now, but are desperately under funded. They had been only able to feed them limited corn meal and some beans. As a result of this very poor diet, many of the children had distended bellies, reddish & thinning hair.
So moved at the desperate situation, Ps. Solomon immediately pledge half of the rice meal he had only just received to help this school.
Destiny Boarding School, along with King Solomon’s Academy and Childcare Kitgum Servants is our third Uganda ministry supported through EveryChild EveryDay initiative.
5/3/08 – Liberia Update – Rehabilitation of 8 Orphanages
Containers of rice meal and canned goods will leave our US warehouse next week bound for Liberia.
Following an assessment trip by Bob Boucek, a US church has agreed to fund the rebuilding and reestablishing of 8 orphanages across Liberia under the direction of Pastor Allan Klayee.
07/04/08 – Partner Letter Released – Orphanage renovation Rescue!
Following a personal inspection, FTH Logistics Director Bob Boucek has returned from Liberia with a list of urgent building repairs needed for 6 orphanages.
Click here to read more.
11/3/08 – Field Report Released – Abundant fruit of your labours
With updates from Uganda, Sudan and a Kenya Bike-a-thon you can see the abundant fruit of your labour.
6/5/08 – Myanmar – Cyclone Nargis
FTH is working on securing distribution through to our three church partners in Yangoon. FTH will begin bringing disaster relief that will help survivors of the deadliest disaster to strike South East Asia since the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami, and ensuring that it will not be subverted by government or military agencies.
Current estimates show over 10,000 people have lost their lives and over 3,000 people are still missing.
More details will be posted here as they come to hand.
6/5/08 – Zimbabwe – Where Everyone’s a millionaire!
FTH is preparing to send fortified rice meals, canned meats and vegetables, nutritional supplements and bibles into a land beset with the highest inflation rate in the world.
More information will be released over the coming days.
7/5/08 – 7.17pm – Myanmar Catastrophe Update
With communications established in Myanmar, plans to bring aid into Myanmar are well underway.
In response to ground reports, we are now adding chainsaws and other ground clearing equipment to assist in clean-up operations in disaster areas.
The latest information on the situation can be found here.
7/5/08 – 12.11pm – Myanmar Catastrophe update
FTH has been able to contact our church partners in Yangon (Rangoon) in Myanmar (Burma). Their 3000 member congregation is part of a strong network of churches throughout the country and places them as one of Myanmar’s leading churches.
Their facility is in good shape despite not having any power – they are fortunate to have access to a generator. They have the manpower, they have the facility and capabilities… but they have no supplies yet.
We expect more updates throughout the day. Contact the office to sign up for FTH Email Alerts and receive the latest significant news as it comes to hand.
We urgently need your best gift to help his nation recover from this devastating cataclysm.
8/5/08 5.28pm – Myanmar Catastrophe – Prayer Request
Please join us in prayer for this urgent need.
8/5/08 3.32pm – Myanmar Catastrophe Update
With support from fellow aid organisations we continue to pool logistical information to best bring in relief supplies into the Disaster Area.
Prices of basic food supplies are escalating as some people take advantage of the surge in demand. The bulk of relief supplies will be brought in from Thailand.
Click here for more information.
8/5/08 3.09pm – Partner Letter Released – Zimbabwe
The May partner letter focusing on an opportunity to bypass the Government in crisis and bring food and the Gospel into the hands of a ministry that has operated for the last 20 years in the midst of Zimbabwe.
9/5/08 2.15pm – Myanmar Catastrophe – Video Appeal
Click here for more information of the Myanmar Disaster Relief.
13/5/08 – Chinese Earthquake kills over 7000 people in Sichuan province
A Magnitude 7.9 earthquake struck the southwest China province of Sichuan, killing at least 8,500 people. The state-run Chinese news agency Xinhua reports an estimated 900 students are buried under rubble in a high school near Dujiangyan. The New York Times reports this is the deadliest quake to strike China since 1976.
FTH Hong Kong office is assessing how we can best assist survivors of this disaster. More information will be posted as it comes to hand.
14/5/08 8.12pm – China Disaster | Sichuan Earthquake Update
FTH HK is coordinating relief efforts through a church in nearby Chengdu, as it continues to become a focus point of relief as people from nearby areas stream towards it. A partner church in Hong Kong will send medical teams to assist the Chengdu church.
Click here for the very latest news from our HK office.
14/5/08 5.48pm – Myanmar Catastrophe Update – New Cyclone Alert
“The United Nations’ weather centre has identified a tropical storm in its early stages which is likely to become a cyclone, according to Amanda Pitt, spokeswoman of the UN humanitarian relief programme in Bangkok, Thailand. She could not give any details about the likely size or location of a second cyclone.
But the Joint Typhoon Warning Centre, part of the UN’s World Meteorological Centre said on its website that ‘the potential for the development of a significant tropical cyclone within the next 24 hours is good.’ It said the building storm was moving towards the same Irrawaddy delta region which was hit by Cyclone Nargis.”
Please pray for the storm to weaken and dissipate.
14/5/08 11.42am – Myanmar Catastrophe Update – On the Ground.
FTH is pleased to confirm that Stefan Radelich is on the ground in Yangon coordinating relief efforts with a local Church. More information will be available shortly.
Myanmar is undergoing a severe crisis, and the outlook is bleak. Please do not underestimate the seriousness, nor the desperation of this situation. I urge you all to contribute to relief efforts for Myanmar – whether it is through FTH or some other organisation.
Please… send your best gift to help end this catastrophe.
Click here for more information on the disaster
16/5/08 4.06pm – China Disaster | Sichuan Earthquake Update
With secular reports fearing the death toll from Monday’s earthquake could rise as high as 50,000, our FTH HK office is working at full capacity both with partner churches in Hong Kong, and churches on the ground in Sichuan.
Surviving the initial disaster, these churches are now standing as beacons of light in the midst of confusion, despair, and the growing terror that missing loved ones will not be reached in time.
You can help empower local Christians on the ground with a donation that will buy critically needed food, water, basic first aid and emergency shelter supplies.
Help Chinese Christians deliver a message of hope that is reinforced with a helping hand and your act of kindness.
Click here for more information.
21/5/08 – Myanmar catastrophe | Photo Updates
Stefan Radelich has updated our Photo Gallery with new images of from his recent time in Yangon, Myanmar.
FTH Australia has now almost 100 images online from the Myanmar disaster.
24/5/08 – Myanmar Catastrophe Update | Death Toll Doubles
On may 16th the Myanmar Government released new official figures listing the confirmed death toll and people still missing presumed dead. This figure was double the previous amount, but experts continue to predict a far higher number will be reached.
The combined number of dead & missing has now reached 130,000.
FTH continues to partner with local Yangon Church members to distribute food to survivors in the Irrawaddy Delta region. While reconstruction efforts in the Yangon Province have already began.
26/5/08 – Myanmar Catastrophe – Media Updates
FTH has updated several items to the media section of the Myanmar Disaster Relief Section of the website.
Stefan Radelich is featured in several pieces. Two audio interviews from Myanmar, and two video appeals from our U.S. Headquarters in South Bend USA.
Click here for the latest information about relief efforts in Myanmar.
2/6/08 – Myanmar Catastrophe – Logistics Update
Every second day, FTH relief partners on the ground, are purifying 1800 litres of pond water, into clean drinking water thanks to 4 portable water purifiers.
They have distributed 3000 bags of rice to 40,000 families. Our partners are gaining more access into the Delta region where most of the deaths and destruction occurred and more food and relief supplies are being prepared as we speak.
A medical team of six doctors, eight nurses and six pharmacists are treating over 200 patients every day.
250 church families had lost their homes in the Cyclone and have been prioritized for first phase of home construction. We’re glad to report that 31 new homes have already completed. 58 more are under construction thanks to the donations provided by partners and friends of FTH. You can help the remaining 170 families get out of the rain and into homes by making a donation today.
Although areas close to the capital Yangon are returning to normal quickly, the Delta region remains in an emergency phase.
“The condition of people in the IDP camps in delta is getting worse, refugees are trying to flee into the forest, begging for food and cloths etc.”
6/6/08 – Myanmar Catastrophe – Souls Saved! People Fed! Homes Provided!
Our Pastor on the ground emailed us last week to joyfully inform us that many people have given their hearts to the Lord, and that the central church building is more full than it’s ever been.
Over two weeks, 275 people have accepted Christ.
Our logistics coordinators on the ground are estimating that perhaps 20% of total aid is being distributed in Myanmar is through our church partners.
17/6/08 – Myanmar Catastrophe – Ongoing Relief
FTH relief partners on the ground continue to provide food packs to survivors of the May 3rd Cyclone which killed over 130,000 people.
For every $42 received, FTH relief partners can provide a family of 5 with enough rice, salt, cooking oil, and tinned meats to last for three weeks.
17/6/08 – Myanmar Catastrophe – A new Season
Tim Higgins, a Queensland representative for Touching Asia, has a long friendship with the senior pastor of our Yangon Church, and sent these updates on the impact of the church.
“Again last Sunday, two days ago, the church was so full of people that the pastor was afraid that the building would collapse. The main hall was full and so was the overflow room across, and so was the hall above the main hall as well as the office area below.
The stairs were again packed with people and hundreds of people prayed to receive Jesus as Saviour. On Saturday they baptized 61 new converts, but more than 100 wanted to be.
17/6/08 – Burundi – ” My Redeemer lives”
Stefan Radelich (FTH Int Director) has began to blog some of his travels as he brings Christ to a Starving World through the ministry of Feed The Hungry.
Stefan is traveling with Peter Sumrall through several African countries and was privileged to meet and fellowship with the President of Burundi. Here is a snippet…
“We had fantastic meetings with the President, His Excellency Pierre Nkurunziza…
“His Excellency and the First Lady are both people of great faith toward God and love toward the people of Burundi. Some of the attached photos are of the President leading worship at his residence on Sunday night…
“We were invited to attend this meeting where he & his cabinet and invited guests thank God for the things He has done during the previous week, to intercede for the people and nation, and to thank God for the things He will do in the coming week.
“The President’s favorite song is My Redeemer Lives (Hillsong) and boy did they get to dancing on that one! The choir is made up of former fighters who stayed with him in the bush after he was shot and left for dead.”
Click here to read his latest blog entry.
17/6/08 – China – Sichuan Earthquake Updates
June 1st marked the first of what could be many bitter anniversaries of the survivors of the Sichuan Earthquake tragedy. June 1st is known as “Children’s Day” – a special holiday where all youngsters are especially spoilt with trips to the park, ice creams, gifts and every treat they could ask for.
With an estimated 11,000 children perishing in the earthquake, and many parents involved in the one-child policy, it was a time of deep sadness and anguish for parents as they gathered at the collapsed rubble of schools to grieve and mourn.
FTH will take part in the rebuilding formed from churches and Christian NGOs in Hong Kong and China. There is an urgent and important need to stand with those without homes, those have lost close relatives and friends, those need medical attention.
FTH will work to empower registered churches and the local governments in earthquake affected areas in Siuchuan Province with financial and human resources to respond to relief and rehabilitation needs. We invite your partnership!
17/6/08 – USA Disaster Relief – Midwest Record Breaking Flooding
Feed the Hungry dispatched a 48′ semi loaded with emergency food to help the hundreds affected by Indiana’s worst flooding in modern history. These severe thunderstorms and flooding have affected 29 counties, as farmers, residents and businesses are trying to cope with the flooding. These items arrive Wednesday (11/6/08) at noon at Morgan County Fairgrounds in Martinsville, IN about 32 miles south of Indianapolis
The distribution efforts will be coordinated through Gary Page, of Hoosier Harvest Church in Martinsville, IN.
A variety of ready to eat items will be shipped including: canned chicken, dry soup cups, canned soups, noodles, crackers, cookies, pasta, along with tortilla chips.
17/6/08 – USA Disaster Relief – Iowa Tornado
Feed the Hungry dispatched a 53′ semi trailer loaded with food and clothing for the hundreds affected by the deadly tornado that ripped through Parkersburg, Iowa. These items arrived in the evening of Wednesday 28th May, in Parkersburg at The Hope Reformed Church.
Parkersburg was struck by a deadly twister which destroyed one third of the homes in this northern Iowa town. Pastor Neal Ooms said the food would be a great blessing as the town’s sole grocery store had been destroyed.
A variety of ready to eat items will be shipped including: canned chicken, dry soup cups, canned soups, noodles, crackers, cookies, pasta, uhc milk (boxed-no refrigeration required), along with tortilla chips. These supplies will be distributed in partnership with the local churches.
17/6/08 – USA Disaster Relief – Oklahoma Tornado
Feed the Hungry dispatched a 53′ semi trailer loaded with food and clothing to help the hundreds of affected and displaced residents of Oklahoma. These items arrived on the morning of Wednesday 14th May in Picher, Oklahoma at the First Baptist Church.
A variety of ready to eat items include: canned chicken, dry soup cups, canned soups, noodles, crackers, cookies, new clothing, blankets, diapers, pasta, bottled water, uhc milk (boxed-no refrigeration required), along with tortilla chips.
These supplies will be distributed in conjunction with the local LeSEA Broadcasting affiliate channel, KWHB –TV 47 in Tulsa.
2/7/08 – ANZAC Field Report Released – Myanmar
Myanmar Catastrophe
Over 130,000 killed or missing. FTH rushes to partner with local Myanmese church to bring emergency food and relief items into this devestated country.
Download – 0.8mb PDF
2/7/08 – Myanmar Catastrophe – Precarious Position
MYANMAR: Cyclone assessment reveals critical
food, water shortages
BANGKOK, 25 June 2008 (IRIN) – An estimated 46 percent of families in Myanmar’s Ayeyarwady delta have less than two days’ worth of food, according to an initial post-disaster assessment…
Food shortages were just part of the preliminary findings, with 60 percent of households reporting inadequate access to clean drinking water, while 22 percent reported being under psychological stress…
And while the region’s resilient villagers have rebuilt some form of shelter for themselves, those are mostly fragile bamboo structures, with an estimated lifespan of just two years, far worse than the sturdier wooden houses they had before.
“They are building back worse, not building back better,” Blewitt said.”
2/7/08 – Myanmar Catastrophe – Photo Updates
FTH Australia has now over 120 images online from the Myanmar disaster relief operations.
22/7/08 – True Stories – Families say thank you for new homes
Our church partners sent a brief report on some of the families that have already moved into their new homes.
Most are overwhelmed to move into a home better than they had before.
Click here to read the update.
5/8/08 – Partner Letter Released – Burundi President Leads Redemption of Nation
The August partner letter focuses on an opportunity to support the Born-Again President of Burundi and his decision to provide free education to primary school aged children in his country.
This program will soon become unsustainable if organisation such as FTH do not partner in the provision of lunch feeding programs.
Click here to read more.
7/8/08 – LeSEA Broadcasting Welcomes C3 to World Pulse festival
Ryan Smith, Joe Pringle and other members of C3, the praise and worship team from Christian City Church Oxford Falls under Senior Pastor Phil Pringle, will be performing live at the World Pulse Festival on August 16th.
WPF is an annual event attracting over 50,000 people held on the grounds of the South Bend Indianna headquarters of LeSEA Broadcasting.
Joining C3 this year are Mandisa, Skillet, Toby Mac, & Casting Crowns. The event will broadcast live via the web, and a 2 hour highlights show will be aired on the ACCTV at a date to be confirmed.
While visiting South Bend, C3 will guest on the Harvest Show and record a show for Live from Studio B program. Both recordings will be broadcast on the ACCTV at a date and time to be confirmed.