An earthquake measuring 7.2 on the Richter Scale was recorded off the coast of Java on Monday 17th July at 3.19PM local time.

This earthquake was followed by a number of other tremors, including two other earthquakes: M 6.1 with depth of 46.6 km at 9:13 and M 6.0 with depth of 20km at 10:09 in almost the same location. The epicentre of the first earthquake was approximately 355 km south of Jakarta and 260 km south of Bangdung, Java, Indonesia.

The most affected districts are in West Java province where local media reported that 2-3 meter waves have struck the coastline.

Death Toll 637
Currently Missing 165
Total Injured 543
Displaced Population 24,314

Last Updated 25/7/06; 1.30pm AEST Source: U.N. OCHA SitRep No.8

Destroyed / Damaged
Houses 1163 / 110
Hotels 346 / 0
Fishermen’s Boats 1650 / 224
Stores 163
Restaurants 162
Stalls 103 / 0
Schools 2 /1
Prayer Centers 12 / 3
Health Posts 1 / 1
Government Offices 42 / 0
Bridges 5 / 3
Paddys & Plantations 137 hectares
Roads 18,830km / 13,700km

Last Updated 25/7/06; 1.30pm AEST Source: U.N. OCHA SitRep No.8

Java Tsunami Situation Report

Updated 25/7/06

  • Government Departments have began cleanup of debris – expected to take a further two weeks to complete
  • Damage estimated to be around USD$17 million dollars
  • Family livelihoods have been disrupted in the affected area, especially those whose income generates from activities in the tourism sector, as they mostly lost their shops, restaurants, hotels/lodgings, etc. Pangandaran beach and other tourism places nearby have been temporarily closed.
  • There are about 150 persons suffering from fracture and respiratory problems who have been hospitalized in facilities with operational limitations.
  • Updates from 19/7/06
  • There are large numbers of displaced people due to fears of further Tsunamis. 30% of the displaced people of “fishing families”.
  • People are expected to return to their homes within 2-3 days.
  • Ciamis District reports, 150 hotels and cottages were heavily damaged; in Cilacap District, 59 houses and one boat suffered damage; and in Kebumen, 12 shops and 20 houses were damaged in addition to 487 boats.
  • In Kebumen, some 120 houses were destroyed or heavily damaged. More than 800 people have been evacuated due to rumours of a second tsunami. 480 fishing boats are reported missing.
  • In Cilacap, thousands of people were evacuated on fears of more tsunamis.
  • It has been reported that residential areas were not affected, which explains why casualties were not high.
  • The tsunami was between one to two meters in height. The affected areas were within a radius of 150 – 400 meter from the seashore.
  • Partner on the ground via SMS, 18/7/06 3:41PM
    Our staff and our partners have distributed to more than 70 villages in Jogya. We are still distributing there even until today (at Gunung Kidung), yesterday with Queen Hemas.
    “Thank you very much for your quick response. I really thank God for your great heart for the endless suffering of our people.
  • Partner on the ground via SMS, 18/7/06 11:44AM
    (We have believers in Kupang (Timor) who badly need food – they now live on the leaves that they can find. We will send 1 container, of whatever we can get, to our Timorese brothers and sisters. “Thank you so much for your attention and concern. We were just on the way from Bangdung to Jakarta, when we heard that the Tsunami struck. We only have baby packs with babies supply, cloths and milk here (enough for only about 100).
  • Partner on the ground via SMS, 19/7/06 1:52PM
    “We are bringing 5 tons of rice, 4000 packs of noodles, 1000 water bottles, 1000 blankets, 100 6x8m tarps, milk and supplies to care for babies.

Field Reports from Partner Organisation

FTH Partner organisation is due to arrive in the disaster area today. They will bring supplies to two villages untouched so far by aid in Kebumen areas.

“We are bringing 5 tons of rice, 4000 packs of noodles, 1000 water bottles, 1000 blankets, 100 6x8m tarps, milk and supplies to care for babies.

These people have not eaten anything in days, and they need the water. Once we arrive we will be able to send you a better idea of the situation.

Partner on the ground via SMS, 19/7/06 1:52PM

Already stretched thin by multiple natural disasters the Indonesian people are reeling by the this latest devastation.

“Thank you so much for your attention and concern. We were just on the way from Bangdung to Jakarta, when we heard that the Tsunami struck. We only have baby packs with babies supply, cloths and milk here (enough for only about 100).

It will be great if you can help because we also have contacts there. They just asked us what we had – we have practically no more supplies left as we used it all for the Jogya earthquake and Mt Merapi Volcano survivors.

(We have believers in Kupang (Timor) who badly need food – they now live on the leaves that they can find. We will send 1 container, of whatever we can get, to our Timorese brothers and sisters.

The Timorese are so desperate – they even want expired food, and milk for the children, the poor dears. They are preparing to have revival in Kupang, good if you can come and see for yourselves. )”

Partner on the ground via SMS, 18/7/06 11:44AM

On Tuesday 18th July, FTH Australia has sent an emergency transfer of funds to buy food and blankets for survivors through to our partner organisation on the ground in Indonesia.

“Thank you very much for your quick response. I really thank God for your great heart for the endless suffering of our people.

We will try to get food and blankets through our local contacts. God bless you and the ministry.

Our staff and our partners have distributed to more than 70 villages in Jogya. We are still distributing there even until today (at Gunung Kidung), yesterday with Queen Hemas.

Because our staff is still there on 27th July, we will take part in a prayer together planned with 10,000 refugees with our Moslem & Christian brethren, pastors and churches in Jogya. GBU.”

Partner on the ground via SMS, 18/7/06 3:41PM